Welcome to CoEEE 2025

Welcome to CoEEE 2025

It is our great pleasure to warmly invite you to the 2025 5th International Joint Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering (CoEEE 2025), which will be held in Budapest, Hungary during July 25-27, 2025. The conference is dedicated to providing the platform and opportunities for researchers, scientists, engineers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas and research in the common research field of Energy and Environmental Engineering, and to discuss practical issues, the challenges encountered as well as the solutions adopted.

Energy security, environmental degradation, soil & water loss, and climate change are the current and future grand challenges of the world. Energy and environmental engineering contribute immensely to these grand challenges and are important to the economic and ecological sustainability of the world. While the public has established the local-realism-based vision that the new energies (solar & wind power, biofuel, carbon capture and storage, etc.) and environmental engineering technologies (ecological restoration, wetlands, water & soil reservation, wastewater and sludge treatment, desalination, etc.) may be beneficial for resource conservation and climate change mitigation, the far-reaching ecological impact of these engineering projects to the environment is little explored. The ecosystem is an entity of complex network connections, where one slight change can affect the whole, but these complex interconnections remain little known to humans. For instance, it has been increasingly realized that all forms of renewable energy production rely on machines built with non-renewable minerals, which means that with current technologies, no form of renewable energy is 100% "renewable". The interlinkage of different ecological elements calls for a systems vision.

We recognize that the future for energy and environmental scientists is one where they will be working in interdisciplinary teams, especially in partnership with social scientists, to solve new, complex and evolving problems that will require innovative solutions. Therefore, we strongly encourage participation of interdisciplinary disciplines (such as social hydrology, energy and environmental policy, ecological economics, systems embodiment analysis, etc.) in this conference where multidisciplinary researches are presented.

CoEEE 2025 will be held in the beautiful city of Budapest, in spring, which is the wonderful season in Hungary. The conference will start with the registration and material collection on July 25, 2025, followed by two days of technical sessions consisting of plenary lectures and keynote speeches to overall audience and oral presentations and poster presentations by participants in various sessions as well as social networking events.

We truly believe that CoEEE 2025 will provide the best platform for all the participants to have spirited discussions and exchange insightful thoughts on the broad field of energy and environmental engineering. Finally, we do wish all of you to have a memorable experience on the conference and seize this opportunity to promote future international collaborations.

Key Dates

Abstract Submission: March 10, 2025

Full Paper Submission: March 25, 2025

Notification: April 25, 2025

Registration: June 10, 2025

Main Conference: July 25-27, 2025

CMT Online Submission

For first time users, you will need to sign up firstly.


July 25, 2025: Registration+Conference Materials Collection

July 26, 2025: Keynote Session+Parallel Sessions

July 27, 2025: Parallel Sessions+Social Networking Event

Best Paper Award

Eligibility: All papers orally presented at the 2025 5th International Joint Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering (CoEEE 2025).

Presentation: The award will be announced and presented at the CoEEE 2025 conference on July 26, 2025.


Manuscripts can be submitted via 

Only original papers will be considered. The manuscripts must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the review cycle.

Authors are encouraged to check the similarity index of their paper before submission. Papers suspect of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, repeated publication etc. will be rejected without further consideration.

Paper Templates

We require all submissions to be in accordance with the conference paper format. Please download the paper template here


Poster Dimension

Dimensions for the conference poster are 1189 * 841 mm. Height is 1189 mm, width is 841mm. 



Conference presented and registered full paper will be included in digital conference proceeding, and submitted to major citation databases like SCOPUS, Google Scholar etc. for reviewing and indexing.

Accepted and presented papers with further extension and selection will be published in the Special Issue "Selected papers of 2024 4th International Joint Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering (CoEEE 2024)" of Open Access Journal "Energy and Built Environment" (ISSN: 2666-1233) , which will be submitted to Ei Compendex, Scopus, and other major databases for indexing.

Excellent papers can be recommended to be submitted for publication in Power System Protection and Control (电力系统保护与控制), Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (现代电力系统保护与控制)and will be sent to be indexed by SCIE, Ei, SCOPUS, INSPEC, DOAJ, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - GoOA and CNKI etc. 

Excellent papers can be recommended to be submitted for publication in Transaction of China Electrotechnical Society (CN 11-2188/TM) (ISSN 1000-6753).

Selected excellent papers with a significant extension will be further recommended to be published on the following SCI, SCIE and EI journals after an additional review process:

1. Composites Part B: Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q1; ISSN: 1879-1069, IF: 13.1; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)

2. Nonlinear Dynamics (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q2; ISSN: 1573-269X, IF: 5.6; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)

3. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q1; ISSN: 1096-1216, IF: 8.4; indexed in SCI and Scopus)

4. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q2; ISSN: 1615-1488, IF: 3.9; indexed in SCIE, EI and Scopus)


Date: July 26

(For more information, please click here)

Special Session Ⅰ-  Air Pollution Control

Special Session Ⅱ -  Water Quality Biosafety

Special Session Ⅲ - Environmental Catalysis

Special Session IV - Synergistic Reduction of Industrial Carbon and Pollution

Special Session -  Water Pollution Control and Resource Recovery



[2024-07-19]We are excited to unveil 2025 5th International Joint Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering (CoEEE 2025), set to be held in Budapest, Hungary during July 25-27, 2025.

[2024-02-22]We are truly trilled to announce the exceptional lineup of special session chairs for our event: Professor Weiying Li from Tongji University, Professor Fei He from Nanjing University of Science and Technolog and Professor Liang Huang from Beijing Forestry University.

[2024-02-01]Joining us will be the Professor Xingfu Tang from Fudan University. His presence lends unparalleled expertise and prestige to our conference, and we extend a warm welcome to all participants to join us in this remarkable gathering.

[2024-01-10]We are thrilled to have the esteemed Professor Enedir Ghisi from Federal University of Santa Catarina as our distinguished keynote speaker. It is with great pleasure that we extend a warm welcome to you and invite you to join us.

[2023-11-09]We are pleased to announce that all accepted papers of 2022 International Joint Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering (CoEEE 2022) have been indexed by SCI and Ei Compendex database successfully.

[2023-10-16]We are pleased to share this latest video from Prof. Hossam A.Gabbar on the journey toward Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy: https://youtu.be/lULrhamHLP0

[2023-03-14]We are glad to announce that Prof. Enedir Ghisi will give us a keynote speech at CoEEE 2023! 

[2023-03-09]Prof. Jia-Qian Jiang from Glasgow Caledonian University will be a keynote speaker of our conference! 

[2022-09-19]2023 3rd International Joint Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering (CoEEE 2023) will be held in Stockholm, Sweden during May 19-21, 2023.

[2022-06-26]The winner of COEEE 2022 Best Paper Award is Agha Zeeshan Ali. Congratulations! 

Paper Title: Towards OMPs removal: Application of visible light driven heterojunction based  BiVO4/BiOI photoanode for the degradation of paracetamol in demineralized water

[2021-06-28]Chaohui Li and Johannes Bernhard won the Best Paper Award of CoEEE 2021. Congratulations!

Paper Title: Southern Tibet human activities: Ecological footprint analysis of Nyingchi region

Paper Title: Density-based anomaly detection for wind turbine condition monitoring